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I. Consumer Pesticide Safety Series
#1 |
Home Use - 3 pages, revised August, 2002.
Answers frequently asked questions about the most hazardous pesticides, their long term health risks, and safer alternatives
to commonly used indoor pesticides.
#2 |
Lawn Care - 2 pages, revised August, 2002.
Answers frequently asked questions about hazards and health problems from lawn chemicals, including effects on children and pets.
Describes how to have a healthy non-toxic lawn, and safer alternatives to toxic pesticides.
#3 |
Pet Use - 1 page, revised August, 2002.
Discusses a nontoxic shampoo and how to use it to control fleas and ticks on pets.
#4 |
Head lice - 1 page, revised August, 2002.
Describes a nontoxic shampoo and how to use it to control head lice.
II. Human Health Studies
Cancer in Children and Pesticide Exposure
A table summarizing 52 studies and reports from 1977 to 2002 of cancer in children related to pesticides. It includes
home exposures as well as those in which the mother, father, or both are exposed to pesticides at work. 11 pages. Latest
update: September 2002.
Cancer in Adults and Pesticide Exposure
A table summarizing 380 studies and reports from 1968 to 2002 of cancer in adults related to pesticides It includes home, work, and environmental exposures. 59 pages. The latest update includes 36 new additions of non-occupational breast cancer studies. Last update: November 20, 2002.
Chronic Neurological Effects of Pesticides
A table summarizing 49 studies and reports from 1986 to 2002 of Parkinson's disease and pesticides. Also includes 64 studies
from 1964 to 2002 on other nervous system diseases and adverse effects related to pesticides. 16 pages. Latest update:
September, 2002.
Reproductive Outcome and Pesticide Exposure
A table summarizing 51 studies and reports from 1981 to 2002 of birth defects and pesticides. Also 34 studies and reports from
1982 to 2002 of miscarriage, still birth and pesticides. Includes 25 studies and reports from 1979 to 2002 of fertility,
infertility, sterility and pesticides. 15 pages. Latest update: October 2002.
III. Animal Toxicology
Summary Table of Animal Toxicology Data on Pesticides
In 1984 California passed a law called The Birth Defects Prevention Act (SB950). It requires all pesticides sold and used in California to
be evaluated for cancer, birth defects, genetic damage, and other chronic effects in laboratory animals. The evaluations are done by Cal-EPA
toxicologists hired for this purpose. The table summarizes the chronic effects testing results for 385 pesticides and related chemicals evaluated
by Cal-EPA as of September 2002.
IV. In Preparation
Summary Table on Cytogenetic Damage from Pesticides
Summary Table on Pesticide Contamination of Breast Milk